Task 4

Selasa, 27 Juni 2017

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“It is better to stick with what you know than to try out new things”

INTRODUCTION                     My reasons for choosing to try out new things in life over to stick with what I know 

SUPPORTING PARAGRAPH 1:  For being able to adapt in new circumstances
  • Applying for a degree of study outside the comfort zone
  • Necessary of willing to try out new things in order to enjoy and survive unfamiliar situations and able to understand difficult materials that haven’t been learned before
  • My choice to study accounting that I was completely novice at since I had never been taught about it before
SUPPORTING PARAGRAPH 2:  For increasing creativity at solving problems
  • Finding a solution to complete difficult assignment
  • Necessary of willing to try out new things in order to think differently and quickly find a method  to solve the problem
  • I used several methods to complete my research about tax amnesty so that I can finish faster than the others
CONCLUSION                            By trying out new things we will be more creative and easier adapt in new circumstances

             As a student, choosing the best major that suits our capability is one of the most important thing in education. In fact, sometimes things do not go smoothly as what we have planned. We may enter any unexpected major or unintentionally choose a major that we do not really want to do and if this happened, things will get difficult. We may need to survive an unfamiliar situation, or even learn something we never knew before. At this circumstance, will to try out new things plays a big role. With our guts to try out new things, we will have chance to survive any given situation one way or another.
            Beside choosing a suitable major for ourselves, finding a solution to finish given tasks or assignments is also very important. Those assignments usually have certain deadlines and requirements to complete, and we need to do it effectively and efficiently. I experienced this when doing my research assignment back then. I needed to finish my research quickly, so that I braced myself to try several method to collect data and immediately proceed the data. My innovation and creativity worked out well and I could finish my research faster than the others. Without my will to try out those new things, I would never have done it.