TUGAS 1 - Business Letter (Complaints)

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Example Letter Of Complaints

Anisah Widiah R.
08 Raya Bogor St.
Bogor 16320

October, 4th 2016

Customer Services
PT. Bangunan Sejahtera
68 Matraman St.
East Jakarta 13110

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the two desk fluorescent. I bought from your company on the internet and about how I was treated by a member of your staff when I phoned to ask for a solution to the problem.

In the first place, I ordered it the on 12th September and I was promised they would arrive in three days. However, I had to wait to receive them for over one week. then, when they arrived and I opened the box, I was shocked to see that one of them was broken. Clearly, they had not been packaged properly.

Secondly, when I phoned to complain, I was very disappointed by the way in which I was treated. The staff member who spoke to was extremely rude and did not offer me any form of refund or replacement

I would be grateful if you could send me a replacement immediately. If this is not possible, I would like a full refund of my money. Thank you for your help with this incident.

Yours faithfully

Anisah Widiah R.

1. A letter of complaint, or complaint letter, is normally written to deal with a problem situation when other attempts (i.e. phone contacts, e-mails, etc.) have failed to rectify the situation. The complaint letter formalizes a problem situation by putting it into writing and is usually the last resort to try to get a situation resolved.

Sebuah surat keluhan, atau surat keluhan, biasanya ditulis untuk menangani situasi masalah ketika upaya lain (misalnya kontak telepon, e-mail, dll) telah gagal untuk memperbaiki situasi. Surat pengaduan meresmikan situasi masalah dengan menempatkan ke dalam tulisan dan biasanya pilihan terakhir berusaha untuk suatu situasi diatasi.

2. As a frequent customer of online shops, I found that bad experiences with their services or products may occur. so that, I thought precaution is needed to deal with this kind situation. I need to understand how to complain politely in order to get a positive and helpful respond towards my complain on their bad service. Although we are able to simply complain throught e-mail/ phone nowadays, letters remain generally the most reliable and effective way complain, especially for serious complaints departements might receive more letter fully. The only letters that are read fully are the most concise, clear, compact letters. That's why i chose to write complaint letter to complete Business English class assignment so that I would be able to apply it in real life when bad experience of online shopping happen to me.

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